The 2016-2017 Fulbright Canada-Palix Foundation Distinguished Visiting Research Chairs
July 25, 2016
Fulbright Canada and the Palix Foundation’s Alberta Family Wellness Initiative would like to welcome the recipients of the Fulbright Canada-Palix Foundation Distinguished Research Chairs in Brain Science, and Child and Family Health and Wellness for 2016-2017: Dr. Patrick J. Carnes, Dr. Lloyd 'Chip' A. Taylor and Dr. John P. Ziker.
To mark the start of the second year of the program, the University of Calgary will host a panel discussion and networking reception on September 28, 2016. The event will provide an opportunity for the three Chairs to present their research and discuss how their time in Alberta will allow them to build partnerships and explore new directions in their work.
Fulbright Canada and the Palix Foundation’s Alberta Family Wellness Initiative work closely with Alberta’s three world-class research-intensive universities - the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge – to allow extraordinary American scholars and top-tier applied researchers to engage in a residential exchange and conduct collaborative research in Alberta. With a focus on supporting research and building relationships that can have a direct impact on health and wellness outcomes in Alberta and beyond, their research is based on current brain science about the effects of toxic stress on children, families, and lifelong health and wellness outcomes, in particular those related to mental health and addiction.